Discover the Single-Family Housing Guaranteed Loan Program, provided by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). This program enables qualified borrowers to acquire homes in eligible rural areas, as determined by the rural housing program’s criteria. To participate, borrowers should be aware that an upfront guarantee fee and an annual fee are imposed. If you want to apply for this program, we encourage you to contact one of our licensed loan officers immediately. They will be more than happy to assist you throughout the application process.

USDA Streamline Refinance Transactions

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) offers three refinance programs for qualified borrowers.  These are a non-streamline refinance, a streamline refinance, and a streamline-assist. Borrower and household income limit qualifications do apply in each case. Contact one of our licensed loan officers today to apply!

Benefits of USDA Loans

  • 100% Financing – you can buy a home with no down payment.
  • Low Fixed Rate Mortgage Options.
  • Government-insured.
  • Simple Loan Process.
  • There is No Prepayment Penalty.